Salter Brothers

salter brothers hospitality logo ft website

Project Start


2023 - Ongoing

spicers lodge


Salter Brothers Hospitality operates, manages and licenses the brands of Spicers Retreats and Ardour Hotels & Estates. With 17 hotels and 14 restaurants and bars under management and licensing services, including management of the Scenic Rim Trail, Australia’s most luxurious guided walk.

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Fastrack Digital was approached due to our vast experience in the travel and hospitality industry to reimagine their website.

Shaela Ariotti M5A8115

The Challenge

After acquiring a few of new properties, including Escarpment Group, they needed to bring those websites up to the standard of Salter Brothers brand and look.

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The Solution

Fastrack Digital's website solutions division brought Salter Brothers' new properties onto a common leading edge CMS platform with cutting edge UI/UX design which immediately boosted visibility, conversions and bookings.

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The Results

All their new properties to date as a result have been recording increased occupancy and bookings.

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