The Rebound is Here - Are you on track, ahead or behind?

Listen to Adrian Caruso and Mitesh Patel in this highly interactive webinar and learn how hotels, travel and tourism businesses should respond to the current COVID19 virus situation when they are closed for business. 

With little to no bookings coming in, and forward bookings basically non-existent, the travel industry and how we target future travellers and how they book, may have changed forever. And this is where the greatest opportunity is for your right now.

Learn about the latest statistics and research from around the different travel sectors (hotels, accommodation, transport, tours, experiences, entertainment venues & tourism boards). Create a plan on how to 'bounce back' and 'be first off the mark'.

With travel marketing and travel now changed forever, both Adrian and Mitesh will show you how to actually plan for a rebound with a solid plan and also show you some great campaign examples.


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